Ahorro de energía doméstico

Ahorro de energía doméstico

El consumo energético de una vivienda se puede reducir a través de una construcción bioclimática la elección de equipos de calefacción, electrodomésticos e iluminación más eficiente y la modificación de los hábitos de consumo de sus habitantes.

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Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part III/III

Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part III/III

 3) Step voltage test

This test is particularly useful in evaluating aged or damaged insulation not necessarily having moisture or contamination. A dual voltage test instrument is required here. After the connections are made, the IR test is done at a low voltage, say 500V. The test specimen then is discharged and the test is done again, this time at a higher voltage, say 2500V. If more than a 25% difference exists between the two IR readings, age deterioration or damaged insulation should be suspected.

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Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part I/III

Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part I/III

Insulation starts to age as soon as it's made. As it ages, its insulating performance deteriorates. Any harsh installation environments, especially those with temperature extremes and/or chemical contamination, accelerates this process. This deterioration can result in dangerous conditions in power reliability and personnel safety. As such, it's important to identify this deterioration quickly so that corrective steps can be taken. One of the simplest tests and its required test instrument are not universally understood. To help eliminate this lack of understanding, let's discuss in detail Insulation Resistance (IR) testing and the megohmmeter.

Insulation testing components

Let's approach the subject by component.

The megohmmeter

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Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part II/III

Understanding Insulation Resistance Testing Part II/III

Various insulation tests

Basically, there are three different tests that can be done using a megohmmeter.

1) Insulation resistance (IR)

This is the simplest of the tests. After the required connections are made, you apply the test voltage for a period of one min. (The one-min interval is an industry practice that allows everyone to take the reading at the same time. In this way, comparison of readings will be of value because, although taken by different people, the test methods are consistent.) During this interval, the resistance should drop or remain relatively steady.

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Mediciones de Carga y Calidad de energía (Load Profile & Power Quaility Analysis) Parte II/II

Mediciones de Carga y Calidad de energía  (Load Profile & Power Quaility Analysis) Parte II

Las perturbaciones y sus características

 Las perturbaciones son eventos que ocurren sobre una base infrecuente e impredecible pero que si impactan el desempeño de los equipos. Esto incluye: transitorios, variaciones de voltaje ( sags and swells) e interrupciones. Las interrupciones que duren más de 1 minuto, algunas veces 5 minutos, son mejor referidas como salidas del circuito y son incluidas en las estadísticas de confiabilidad.

 Voltaje Sags and swells

  Los sags and swells en voltaje, caen en la clasificación de variaciones de voltaje de corta duración. De acuerdo con el estándar de IEEE Std. [7] y a las definiciones de  IEC , esto incluye variaciones de la frecuencia fundamental que duren menos de 1 minuto.

Voltage Sag Characterized by an rms Voltage Plot.

Descargar este archivo (CALIDAD DE ENERGIA parte II.pdf)Mediciones de Carga y Calidad de energía II[Calidad de energía]239 kB

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